Tidy programming


Galen Holt


The issue

Tidyverse, and particularly dplyr and ggplot, are great for quickly doing very powerful rearrangements and calculations of data and making plots. One of the main way they achieve this is by allowing us to use bare variable names- unquoted, no $ syntax. However, that becomes tricky when programming and we might want to pass variables as an argument. Passing other things as arguments can also be a pain, e.g. functions for summarize. I’ve encountered many different things that trip me up, depending on what I’m trying to pass, but my fixes are typically ad-hoc and scattered around my code. I’ll use this doc as a central place to sort out solutions to various problems as they come up. There’s quite a lot of answers from dplyr itself, but for some reason I always have to figure things out for myself.

Passing to group_by

let’s say we want to allow the user to pass which functions to group_by. The two usual ways I end up doing this are double-embracing or just using character vectors. Let’s demo and test with a grouped mean for mtcars. Embracing allows the user to pass bare names, chars makes them pass characters and we have to use across(all_of()) which is annoying syntax.

# embracing
groupbrace <- function(data, groupers) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by({{groupers}}) %>%
    summarise(meanmpg = mean(mpg)) %>%

# characters
groupchar <- function(data, groupers) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across(all_of(groupers))) %>%
    summarise(meanmpg = mean(mpg)) %>%

How do we use those for a single grouping variable?

groupbrace(mtcars, groupers = gear)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear meanmpg
  <dbl>   <dbl>
1     3    16.1
2     4    24.5
3     5    21.4
groupchar(mtcars, groupers = 'gear')
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear meanmpg
  <dbl>   <dbl>
1     3    16.1
2     4    24.5
3     5    21.4

What happens when we try to group by more than one column?

# groupbrace(mtcars, groupers = c(gear, carb))
# groupchar(mtcars, groupers = c('gear', 'carb'))

works with the characters, but the embracing fails (unsurprisingly).

The website says to use , so we can do that as follows:

groupdots <- function(data, ...) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(...) %>%
    summarise(meanmpg = mean(mpg)) %>%
groupdots(mtcars, gear, carb)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb meanmpg
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     3     1    20.3
 2     3     2    17.2
 3     3     3    16.3
 4     3     4    12.6
 5     4     1    29.1
 6     4     2    24.8
 7     4     4    19.8
 8     5     2    28.2
 9     5     4    15.8
10     5     6    19.7
11     5     8    15  

That works, but it becomes an issue if we’re ALSO supplying arguments for other things in the function. See below.

The website only uses the dots example, but across() works like it does with summarize. This I think ends up being the answer for bare variable names that don’t get mixed up between grouping and summarizing. See below.

groupacross <- function(data, groupers) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(meanmpg = mean(mpg)) %>%
groupacross(mtcars, c(gear, carb))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb meanmpg
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     3     1    20.3
 2     3     2    17.2
 3     3     3    16.3
 4     3     4    12.6
 5     4     1    29.1
 6     4     2    24.8
 7     4     4    19.8
 8     5     2    28.2
 9     5     4    15.8
10     5     6    19.7
11     5     8    15  

Passing to summarise/mutate

I’m going to set this up with a simple group_by in all cases because it sets up the combo, and I almost never actually call summarise on a full dataset anyway.

Columns to operate on

If we just want one column, but the user supplies its name, we can again embrace or quote.

Names is an issue here too. They can just be left as a fixed value, but if we want to have the name of the new column reflect what’s being passed in, we handle that in different ways. With the braces we use the glue :=, and the .names argument if characters.

Now, the dots don’t seem to work to pass multiple bare names, I think probably because of issues with names? But we can modify the simple embraced version to use across(), making it more similar to the character version.

# embracing
sumbrace <- function(data, sumcols) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(gear) %>%
    summarise("mean_{{sumcols}}" := mean({{sumcols}})) %>%

# characters
sumchar <- function(data, sumcols) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(gear) %>%
    summarise(across(all_of(sumcols), mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

# mulitple bare
sumbaremulti <- function(data, sumcols) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(gear) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

With a single user-supplied column

sumbrace(mtcars, sumcols = mpg)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_mpg
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     3     16.1
2     4     24.5
3     5     21.4
sumchar(mtcars, sumcols = 'mpg')
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_mpg
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     3     16.1
2     4     24.5
3     5     21.4

Multiple user-supplied cols

sumbaremulti(mtcars, sumcols = c(mpg, hp))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   gear mean_mpg mean_hp
  <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1     3     16.1   176. 
2     4     24.5    89.5
3     5     21.4   196. 
sumchar(mtcars, sumcols = c('mpg', 'hp'))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   gear mean_mpg mean_hp
  <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1     3     16.1   176. 
2     4     24.5    89.5
3     5     21.4   196. 

Combine with group_by

I often want to pass a set of variable names to group_by and a set of names to summarize. If we use the dots method, these would get all jumbled together. So the options are embracing or characters, and when embracing we still need the c(bare1, bare2, …, bareN) so each component is a single argument.

# characters
gsumchar <- function(data, groupers, sumcols) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across(all_of(groupers))) %>%
    summarise(across(all_of(sumcols), mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

# mulitple bare
gsumbaremulti <- function(data, groupers, sumcols) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

Now we can feed it multiple grouping columns and multiple summary columns

gsumbaremulti(mtcars, groupers = c(gear, carb), sumcols = c(mpg, hp))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 4
    gear  carb mean_mpg mean_hp
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3   104  
 2     3     2     17.2   162. 
 3     3     3     16.3   180  
 4     3     4     12.6   228  
 5     4     1     29.1    72.5
 6     4     2     24.8    79.5
 7     4     4     19.8   116. 
 8     5     2     28.2   102  
 9     5     4     15.8   264  
10     5     6     19.7   175  
11     5     8     15     335  
gsumchar(mtcars, groupers = c('gear', 'carb'), sumcols = c('mpg', 'hp'))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 4
    gear  carb mean_mpg mean_hp
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3   104  
 2     3     2     17.2   162. 
 3     3     3     16.3   180  
 4     3     4     12.6   228  
 5     4     1     29.1    72.5
 6     4     2     24.8    79.5
 7     4     4     19.8   116. 
 8     5     2     28.2   102  
 9     5     4     15.8   264  
10     5     6     19.7   175  
11     5     8     15     335  

It’s really not clear why I’d ever use the dots version, or why we wouldn’t always use the across() wrap to give us generality. I guess if that generality isn’t needed? But while dots can be handy, they’re vague and it’s not like the across() wrap is hard to type.

What this makes very clear is the similarity between the two methods- they’re really just using the select() syntax in the across(), but one has to embrace bare names and the other uses the all_of() modifier we always have to include when we want to select() with a character vector.

Passing select syntax

Since we’re using that across, is it possible to pass other select() syntax than variable names? e.g. is.numeric, starts_with() or b:f? Let’s test it just with the summarize bit.

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = is.numeric)
Warning: There was 1 warning in `summarise()`.
ℹ In argument: `across(is.numeric, mean, .names = "mean_{.col}")`.
Caused by warning:
! Use of bare predicate functions was deprecated in tidyselect 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use wrap predicates in `where()` instead.
  # Was:
  data %>% select(is.numeric)

  # Now:
  data %>% select(where(is.numeric))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 11
    gear  carb mean_mpg mean_cyl mean_disp mean_hp mean_drat mean_wt mean_qsec
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3     5.33     201.    104        3.18    3.05      19.9
 2     3     2     17.2     8        346.    162.       3.04    3.56      17.1
 3     3     3     16.3     8        276.    180        3.07    3.86      17.7
 4     3     4     12.6     8        416.    228        3.22    4.69      16.9
 5     4     1     29.1     4         84.2    72.5      4.06    2.07      19.2
 6     4     2     24.8     4        121.     79.5      4.16    2.68      20.0
 7     4     4     19.8     6        164.    116.       3.91    3.09      17.7
 8     5     2     28.2     4        108.    102        4.1     1.83      16.8
 9     5     4     15.8     8        351     264        4.22    3.17      14.5
10     5     6     19.7     6        145     175        3.62    2.77      15.5
11     5     8     15       8        301     335        3.54    3.57      14.6
# ℹ 2 more variables: mean_vs <dbl>, mean_am <dbl>

That works but is angry about missing where(). Just throwing the bare select syntax straight in works though, for the where() type arguments but seems to be general- works for col:col and starts_with() as well.

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = where(is.numeric))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 11
    gear  carb mean_mpg mean_cyl mean_disp mean_hp mean_drat mean_wt mean_qsec
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3     5.33     201.    104        3.18    3.05      19.9
 2     3     2     17.2     8        346.    162.       3.04    3.56      17.1
 3     3     3     16.3     8        276.    180        3.07    3.86      17.7
 4     3     4     12.6     8        416.    228        3.22    4.69      16.9
 5     4     1     29.1     4         84.2    72.5      4.06    2.07      19.2
 6     4     2     24.8     4        121.     79.5      4.16    2.68      20.0
 7     4     4     19.8     6        164.    116.       3.91    3.09      17.7
 8     5     2     28.2     4        108.    102        4.1     1.83      16.8
 9     5     4     15.8     8        351     264        4.22    3.17      14.5
10     5     6     19.7     6        145     175        3.62    2.77      15.5
11     5     8     15       8        301     335        3.54    3.57      14.6
# ℹ 2 more variables: mean_vs <dbl>, mean_am <dbl>
              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = mpg:disp)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 5
    gear  carb mean_mpg mean_cyl mean_disp
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3     5.33     201. 
 2     3     2     17.2     8        346. 
 3     3     3     16.3     8        276. 
 4     3     4     12.6     8        416. 
 5     4     1     29.1     4         84.2
 6     4     2     24.8     4        121. 
 7     4     4     19.8     6        164. 
 8     5     2     28.2     4        108. 
 9     5     4     15.8     8        351  
10     5     6     19.7     6        145  
11     5     8     15       8        301  
              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = starts_with('d'))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 4
    gear  carb mean_disp mean_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     201.       3.18
 2     3     2     346.       3.04
 3     3     3     276.       3.07
 4     3     4     416.       3.22
 5     4     1      84.2      4.06
 6     4     2     121.       4.16
 7     4     4     164.       3.91
 8     5     2     108.       4.1 
 9     5     4     351        4.22
10     5     6     145        3.62
11     5     8     301        3.54

Select syntax issues

Sometimes we might want to pass a vector of columns to select, but have those that don’t exist get ignored- basically, select however many of this set of columns exist in the dataset. With a character vector, that’s straightforward with any_of. But it fails with bare names, and any_of requires characters.

# These both fail
mtcars %>% select(c(mpg, fakecolumn))
Error in `select()`:
! Can't select columns that don't exist.
✖ Column `fakecolumn` doesn't exist.
mtcars %>% select(any_of(mpg, fakecolumn))
Error in `select()`:
ℹ In argument: `any_of(mpg, fakecolumn)`.
Caused by error in `any_of()`:
! `...` must be empty.
ℹ Did you forget `c()`?
ℹ The expected syntax is `any_of(c("a", "b"))`, not `any_of("a", "b")`

An obvious solution is to use character vectors.

mtcars %>% select(any_of(c('mpg', 'fakecolumn')))
Mazda RX4           21.0
Mazda RX4 Wag       21.0
Datsun 710          22.8
Hornet 4 Drive      21.4
Hornet Sportabout   18.7
Valiant             18.1
Duster 360          14.3
Merc 240D           24.4
Merc 230            22.8
Merc 280            19.2
Merc 280C           17.8
Merc 450SE          16.4
Merc 450SL          17.3
Merc 450SLC         15.2
Cadillac Fleetwood  10.4
Lincoln Continental 10.4
Chrysler Imperial   14.7
Fiat 128            32.4
Honda Civic         30.4
Toyota Corolla      33.9
Toyota Corona       21.5
Dodge Challenger    15.5
AMC Javelin         15.2
Camaro Z28          13.3
Pontiac Firebird    19.2
Fiat X1-9           27.3
Porsche 914-2       26.0
Lotus Europa        30.4
Ford Pantera L      15.8
Ferrari Dino        19.7
Maserati Bora       15.0
Volvo 142E          21.4

But does that then preclude using other tidyselect syntax such as :, starts_with, etc? Sure, we can swap back and forth if we’re accessing select directly, but not if this is embedded in a function. The answer is sometimes- it works with starts_with but not : (not really shown here because it fails).

mtcars %>% select(any_of(starts_with('d')))
                     disp drat
Mazda RX4           160.0 3.90
Mazda RX4 Wag       160.0 3.90
Datsun 710          108.0 3.85
Hornet 4 Drive      258.0 3.08
Hornet Sportabout   360.0 3.15
Valiant             225.0 2.76
Duster 360          360.0 3.21
Merc 240D           146.7 3.69
Merc 230            140.8 3.92
Merc 280            167.6 3.92
Merc 280C           167.6 3.92
Merc 450SE          275.8 3.07
Merc 450SL          275.8 3.07
Merc 450SLC         275.8 3.07
Cadillac Fleetwood  472.0 2.93
Lincoln Continental 460.0 3.00
Chrysler Imperial   440.0 3.23
Fiat 128             78.7 4.08
Honda Civic          75.7 4.93
Toyota Corolla       71.1 4.22
Toyota Corona       120.1 3.70
Dodge Challenger    318.0 2.76
AMC Javelin         304.0 3.15
Camaro Z28          350.0 3.73
Pontiac Firebird    400.0 3.08
Fiat X1-9            79.0 4.08
Porsche 914-2       120.3 4.43
Lotus Europa         95.1 3.77
Ford Pantera L      351.0 4.22
Ferrari Dino        145.0 3.62
Maserati Bora       301.0 3.54
Volvo 142E          121.0 4.11
# mtcars %>% select(any_of(hp:wt))

Is the trick to pass it the whole any_of expression? that IS a tidyselect call. Try it in the function directly, to get all the across in there correctly. First, this fails if we just pass extra columns:

# gsumbaremulti(mtcars, 
#               groupers = c(gear, carb), 
#               sumcols = c(mpg, fakecol))

If we know some might not exist, we can instead pass the whole any_of and character names. Is this cleaner? No, now we’re back to characters, but ALSO needing to pass the any_of. So why do it? if we sometimes also need to pass other tidyselect syntax.

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = any_of(c('mpg', 'fakecol')))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb mean_mpg
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3
 2     3     2     17.2
 3     3     3     16.3
 4     3     4     12.6
 5     4     1     29.1
 6     4     2     24.8
 7     4     4     19.8
 8     5     2     28.2
 9     5     4     15.8
10     5     6     19.7
11     5     8     15  

Now, what if that is in turn buried in a function, so we need to set the argument outside the call? This might happen if we have a user interface where they choose columns. For example, they might set the cols, and then call a function that calls what we have above.

whichcols <- c('mpg', 'fakecol')

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = any_of(whichcols))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb mean_mpg
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3
 2     3     2     17.2
 3     3     3     16.3
 4     3     4     12.6
 5     4     1     29.1
 6     4     2     24.8
 7     4     4     19.8
 8     5     2     28.2
 9     5     4     15.8
10     5     6     19.7
11     5     8     15  

That’s easy enough. But what if whichcols could be tidyselect syntax? That can’t be saved to an object. It can be saved with expr, but then that has to be unpacked with !!.

# Fails
# whichcols <- starts_with('m')
whichcols <- expr(starts_with('m'))

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = !!whichcols)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb mean_mpg
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3
 2     3     2     17.2
 3     3     3     16.3
 4     3     4     12.6
 5     4     1     29.1
 6     4     2     24.8
 7     4     4     19.8
 8     5     2     28.2
 9     5     4     15.8
10     5     6     19.7
11     5     8     15  

That allows passing tidyselect, but does it break the any_of situation? Not if we wrap it in expr.

whichcols <- expr(any_of(c('mpg', 'fakecol')))

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = !!whichcols)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb mean_mpg
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3
 2     3     2     17.2
 3     3     3     16.3
 4     3     4     12.6
 5     4     1     29.1
 6     4     2     24.8
 7     4     4     19.8
 8     5     2     28.2
 9     5     4     15.8
10     5     6     19.7
11     5     8     15  

That means that if we might have a character vector and might have tidyselect, we can have a multi-step process to create the expression and pass it to the function. Ie the user can set whichcols directly as an expr-wrapped tidyselect, OR if a character vector it makes it itself. See the next two code blocks.

colstosum <- c('mpg', 'fakecol')
# colstosum <- expr(starts_with('d'))

if (is.character(colstosum)) {
  whichcols <- expr(any_of(colstosum))
} else {
  whichcols <- colstosum

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = !!whichcols)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 3
    gear  carb mean_mpg
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1     3     1     20.3
 2     3     2     17.2
 3     3     3     16.3
 4     3     4     12.6
 5     4     1     29.1
 6     4     2     24.8
 7     4     4     19.8
 8     5     2     28.2
 9     5     4     15.8
10     5     6     19.7
11     5     8     15  
colstosum <- expr(starts_with('d'))

if (is.character(colstosum)) {
  whichcols <- expr(any_of(colstosum))
} else {
  whichcols <- colstosum

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = !!whichcols)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 4
    gear  carb mean_disp mean_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     201.       3.18
 2     3     2     346.       3.04
 3     3     3     276.       3.07
 4     3     4     416.       3.22
 5     4     1      84.2      4.06
 6     4     2     121.       4.16
 7     4     4     164.       3.91
 8     5     2     108.       4.1 
 9     5     4     351        4.22
10     5     6     145        3.62
11     5     8     301        3.54

Because that’s ugly, I’m not going to spend more time on it, but it is a workaround for sometimes needing to pass tidyselect syntax and sometimes column names that might not exist. There’s likely a more general way to do this using tidyselect::eval_select, but what I have here will work for now.


I’m now running into issues where the approach above isn’t working well, because sometimes the expression ends up including the name of an object (e.g. a passed-in character vector), and by the time we get to the {{}}, we’re too far into the call stack and it ends up failing because it essentially tries to do something like group_by(starts_with(NAME_OF_VECTOR)) instead of group_by(starts_with(VALUES_IN_VECTOR).

So, one way to handle this is to in the outer layer use tidyselect::eval_select in the outer layer to get column names and indices. Then we can just pass those around rather than all the promises that get lost doing it other ways. It’s a bit cruder, but i think will involve less gymnastics.

How does eval_select work?

First, how does eval_select work? What do we need to feed it?

A bare tidyselect function fails

colstosum <- starts_with('d')
tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)

Works if wrapped in expr

colstosum <- expr(starts_with('d'))

tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)
disp drat 
   3    5 

Works with character vectors.

colstosum <- c('disp', 'mpg')
tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)
disp  mpg 
   3    1 

Does not work if there are values in the character vector that aren’t in the data.

colstosum <- c('disp', 'mpg', 'notinmtcars')
tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)

So we likely still need the conditional to use any_of

colstosum <- c('disp', 'mpg', 'notinmtcars')

if (is.character(colstosum)) {
  whichcols <- expr(any_of(colstosum))
} else {
  whichcols <- colstosum

tidyselect::eval_select(whichcols, mtcars)
disp  mpg 
   3    1 

And, what if we pass an argument to a tidyselect? I don’t think this is enough to break the original way without some intervening function calls, but it’s the same idea that’s breaking it as we move down a stack.

startletter <- 'd'

colstosum <- expr(starts_with(startletter))
tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)
disp drat 
   3    5 

What actually is that returning? A named vector of indices.

tsout <- tidyselect::eval_select(colstosum, mtcars)
 Named int [1:2] 3 5
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "disp" "drat"

So, with the conditional in there to guard against grabbing things that don’t exist, that looks like it should work by basically transporting around our selects as character vectors or indices if we evaluate them early enough. In the sort of uses I’m imagining- evaluating this early, and then passing in to further functions- I’d be really nervous about using indices, and so would tend to use the names. How might that work?

              groupers = c(gear, carb), 
              sumcols = names(tsout))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 4
    gear  carb mean_disp mean_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     3     1     201.       3.18
 2     3     2     346.       3.04
 3     3     3     276.       3.07
 4     3     4     416.       3.22
 5     4     1      84.2      4.06
 6     4     2     121.       4.16
 7     4     4     164.       3.91
 8     5     2     108.       4.1 
 9     5     4     351        4.22
10     5     6     145        3.62
11     5     8     301        3.54

A function to parse eval_select

What if I actually make the function do the parsing? So I can pass it the characters, bare names, or expr(selectsyntax)?

gsumtidy <- function(data, groupers, sumcols) {
  if (is.character(groupers)) {
    whichg <- expr(any_of(groupers))
  } else {
    whichg <- groupers
  if (is.character(sumcols)) {
    whichs <- expr(any_of(sumcols)) 
  } else {
    whichs <- sumcols
  gnames <- whichg %>% 
    tidyselect::eval_select(data) %>% 
  snames <- whichs %>% 
    tidyselect::eval_select(data) %>% 
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{gnames}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{snames}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

Test that with different sorts of things.

         groupers = 'cyl', 
         sumcols = expr(starts_with('d')))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

How about if we include extra cols? works fine.

         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = expr(starts_with('d')))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

The whole top part of that could be its own function, and get run at any point in a call stack. Returning the names and not the indices, but could return the whole thing I guess, depending on safety of indices.

selectnames <- function(data, selector) {
  if (is.character(selector)) {
    whichg <- expr(any_of(selector))
  } else {
    whichg <- selector
  selnames <- whichg %>% 
    tidyselect::eval_select(data) %>% 
gtidysimple <- function(data, groupers, sumcols) {
  gnames <- selectnames(data, groupers)
  snames <- selectnames(data, sumcols)
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{gnames}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{snames}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%
         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = expr(starts_with('d')))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

expr() vs enquo()

The above needs to wrap tidyselect syntax with expr to work- passing the bare starts_with fails

         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = starts_with('d'))

Likewise with bare names

         groupers = c(cyl, notinmtcars), 
         sumcols = expr(starts_with('d')))

That’s because things other than character vectors need to be “defused” (see ?enquo). expr defuses ‘your own local expressions’, while enquo defuses function arguments. So, there are two options- defuse locally when giving the argument to the funciton with expr (as I’ve done above), or defuse internally with enquo.

In that case, we re-write the outer function to enquo its arguments.

gtidyquo <- function(data, groupers, sumcols) {
  gnames <- selectnames(data, enquo(groupers))
  snames <- selectnames(data, enquo(sumcols))
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{gnames}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{snames}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

Now, that should work without wrapping tidyselect syntax in expr(), and take bare names or character vectors.

         groupers = cyl, 
         sumcols = starts_with('d'))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

It also takes characters

         groupers = 'cyl', 
         sumcols = c('disp', 'drat'))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

But it’s no longer ignoring values not in the data

         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = expr(starts_with('d')))

That’s because the internal enquo(groupers) in gtidyquo means that selectnames is always seeing selector as language, not character, and so bypassing the any_of() conditional. I don’t want to drop that whole conditional section from selectnames, because that keeps selectnames more general (doesn’t have to be fed enquo’d arguments). Instead, we can use the strict argument in eval_select to decide whether to fail or silently ignore missings. This choice is probably good to have, rather than enforce one or the other- it’s often the case that we should fail if missing columns are called, rather than just ignore silently. The same argument can also be used in the conditional as a switch to make the situation with character selector fail or pass.

selectnames <- function(data, selector, failmissing = TRUE) {
  if (is.character(selector)) {
    if (failmissing) {
      whichg <- expr(all_of(selector))
    } else {
      whichg <- expr(any_of(selector))
  } else {
    whichg <- selector
  selnames <- whichg %>% 
    tidyselect::eval_select(data, strict = failmissing) %>% 

We also need to rewrite gtidyquo to pass failmissing. Could use , but that’s vague.

gtidyquo <- function(data, groupers, sumcols, failmissing = TRUE) {
  gnames <- selectnames(data, enquo(groupers), failmissing)
  snames <- selectnames(data, enquo(sumcols), failmissing)
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{gnames}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{snames}}, mean, .names = 'mean_{.col}')) %>%

Now, does that work with values not in the data?

         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = starts_with('d'),
         failmissing = FALSE)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

as bare names

         groupers = c(cyl, notinmtcars), 
         sumcols = starts_with('d'),
         failmissing = FALSE)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
    cyl mean_disp mean_drat
  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1     4      105.      4.07
2     6      183.      3.59
3     8      353.      3.23

and it should fail if failmissing = TRUE (or left off, since that’s the default).

         groupers = c('cyl', 'notinmtcars'), 
         sumcols = starts_with('d'))


That seems a bit lame to just translate to characters, but it ends up being a very robust and flexible workaround for situations where passing an object into a tidyselect ends up trying to select the object instead of its contents once we’re further down a call stack, and lets us use characters, bare names, and tidyselect and choose whether or not to fail when columns don’t exist.

Functions to use

Sometimes we want to tell the function how to summarise the data. Sometimes we want to do this including arguments, e.g. mean with na.rm = TRUE. Sometimes we want to pass multiple functions and have the names appended, and sometimes those functions are user-defined. Further, sometimes they have an argument internal to the data (such as a weighting column) that they need to access.

We’ll start simple, though I’ll keep the multi-group and multi-col syntax from above because it keeps things general, and allows testing with multiple summarise cols. I’ll use the bare names and embracing for the grouping and summarise variables, but that shouldn’t affect the way function-passing works if we used the character version instead.

Passing a function by name

It’s typically a good idea to name the resulting column with the function when we don’t know what the function will be. And that sets us up for multi-functions.

In the simplest case we can just use a FUN argument. While using the all-caps “FUN” as the argument name seems to be a convention, this isn’t a special argument name and it could be whatever we want.

Previously, we had defined the function to apply inside our function, and so we had hardcoded the naming, e.g. 'mean_{.col}. But now, we won’t know what it is. We thus need to get the name of the function as well, using as.character(substitute).

funpass <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUN, .names = funcolname)) %>%
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = mpg,
        FUN = mean)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_mpg
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     3     16.1
2     4     24.5
3     5     21.4

We run into problems as soon as we try to pass arguments to that function, for example when there are NA and we want to use na.rm

nacars <- mtcars %>%
  mutate(randnum = rnorm(n()),
         nampg = ifelse(randnum >= 0, mpg, NA))
#| error:false

# funpass(nacars,
#         groupers = gear,
#         sumcols = nampg,
#         FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

Using dots syntax works to allow arguments.

funpasst <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUN,..., .names = funcolname)) %>%
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Warning: There was 1 warning in `summarise()`.
ℹ In argument: `across(nampg, FUN, ..., .names = funcolname)`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3`.
Caused by warning:
! The `...` argument of `across()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.1.0.
Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.

  # Previously
  across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Now
  across(a:b, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_nampg
  <dbl>      <dbl>
1     3       15.6
2     4       25.4
3     5       21.7

As usual, dots can be an issue if we’re doing several things. But we’ll get to that. One solution that is also relevant generally is to specify a custom function. In a simple case this could be mean with na.rm = TRUE, but it could be anything.

Custom function

Maybe we want a custom function. That might be as simple as changing the na.rm default, or it might be something complicated with a few arguments. Here, I’ll demo a version with a swapped na.rm default, illustrating a way to avoid passing arguments, and a more complex function that lags values and multiplies them.

meanna <- function(x) {
  mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

customfun <- function(x, lag_k = 1, na.rm = TRUE, multiplier) {
  xl <- lag(x, lag_k)
  xs <- sum(xl, na.rm = na.rm)*multiplier
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = meanna)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear meanna_nampg
  <dbl>        <dbl>
1     3         15.6
2     4         25.4
3     5         21.7
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = customfun, lag_k = 0, multiplier = 10)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear customfun_nampg
  <dbl>           <dbl>
1     3            1246
2     4            1524
3     5             651

and that works with multiple columns and groupers as well

        groupers = c(gear, am),
        sumcols = c(nampg, hp),
        FUN = customfun, lag_k = 0, multiplier = 10)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 4 × 4
   gear    am customfun_nampg customfun_hp
  <dbl> <dbl>           <dbl>        <dbl>
1     3     0            1246        26420
2     4     0             244         4030
3     4     1            1280         6710
4     5     1             651         9780

Function with internal data argument

Sometimes we might want to use a function that relies on multiple columns- for example, the mean of one column using weights in another.

In the simplest case, we can hardcode that column. Here in a silly example of finding the mean hp weighted by wt. I’ve removed the dots for now, we’ll get to other arguments next.

funinternal <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUN, wt, .names = funcolname)) %>%
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = mpg,
        FUN = weighted.mean)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_mpg
  <dbl>             <dbl>
1     3              15.6
2     4              23.6
3     5              19.7

and yes, that is weighting- if we just pass mean we get

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = mpg,
        FUN = mean)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_mpg
  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     3     16.1
2     4     24.5
3     5     21.4

But what if we need to specify other arguments? We can use dots again.

funinternald <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUN, wt, ..., .names = funcolname)) %>%
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6

Another way to do this that might be a bit clearer, especially as the number of arguments grows is to use tilde function specification. This is nearly the same, but makes it clear what arguments belong to the FUN.

funinternaldt <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~FUN(., wt, ...), .names = funcolname)) %>%

That yields the same result, we’ve just specified the summary function differently.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6

Passing internal columns by name

So far, the internal columns have been hardcoded, and at a known position in the arguments to the FUN. What if we want to specify them on calling the function?

Can we just use the dots? Not with a bare name.

# funpasst(nacars,
#         groupers = gear,
#         sumcols = nampg,
#         FUN = weighted.mean, wt, na.rm = TRUE)

Does it work to use the tilde version?

funtildedots <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~FUN(., ...), .names = funcolname)) %>%

No, that still can’t find the bare name- it looks for an object, not something internal to the data.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, wt, na.rm = TRUE)

If we know that there will be a second data-variable argument to the function, we might be able to embrace.

funinteralembrace <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, arg2, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUN, {{arg2}}, ..., .names = funcolname)) %>%

funinteralembraceT <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, arg2, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~FUN(., {{arg2}}, ...), .names = funcolname)) %>%

That works for both the tilde and non-tilde versions.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, 
        arg2 = wt, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, 
        arg2 = wt, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6

But what if we want a function that works with FUNS that may or may not require a second data-variable argument? Do the above functions work with something like mean that won’t have an arg2? No.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

Is there a way to write a function that may have any number from 0 to n internal data arguments, as well as other non-data arguments (e.g. na.rm etc)? It will be tricky, because some unknown number of items will need to be embraced. Usual methods to unpack the ellipses using list(...) won’t work, I don’t think. And if they do, it’s still unclear how many of the items in the list should be embraced. Does it even work if we know how many need to be embraced? Test with a simple case of whether we can even do the list(…).

testdots <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  dots <- list(...)
  # gm <- data %>%
  #   group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
  #   summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~FUN(., {{dots[1]}}, ...), .names = funcolname)) %>%
  #   ungroup()
  # return(gm)

Even that doesn’t work- including bare names in the dots and then embracing doesn’t work because list() needs them as objects.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, wt, na.rm = TRUE)

What is it I’m actually trying to do here? Write a function that takes an arbitrary number of data-variable arguments and an arbitrary number of passed env-arguments. That’s always going to be tricky, and will get trickier to sort things out like the order of the arguments. Is it possible? Almost certainly. But I think I’ll leave sorting it out for later. We have a version that works for a known number of arguments in a known order, which is enough in some situations. A workaround will become apparent anyway after the next section, where I pass in external vectors.

Function with vector argument passed in

One way to get around the issue above is instead of passing the name of a data variable, pass in the vector itself as an object. This also allows passing in vectors unattached to the dataframe being operated on, though since the’ll need to have the same nrows, in most cases they’ll be attached.

How does this work? We write the main function to do the grouping and summarizing, and within it define the function to evaluate in the summarize, accounting for the various types of arguments and the grouping. This works because the are all env-variables (vectors and scalars) instead of bare names of data-variables. This is all based on funpasst above, with the addition of the internal function creation. Because the function we define may be grouped, it needs to be passed the indices for the current group rows so it only operates on those. I’m using tilde notation to keep it clearer how that function gets called in the summarise.

We could write the function that creates the function to evaluate inside the main function, or elsewhere. Writing it inside allows us to take some shortcuts because it can access objects in the outer function environment and avoid explicitly passing as many objects around. Though that can be dangerous.

The !!! unpacks a list of function arguments.

arbvecscal <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUN, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  # Define the function to evaluate
  thisfun <- function(x, indices) {
    elip <- list(...)
    # deal with the case of no passed arguments
    if (length(elip) == 0) {
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x))
    } else {
      # clip vector ... arguments (e.g. weights) to just the group
      for (i in 1:length(elip)) {
        if (length(elip[[i]]) == nrow(data)) {
          elip[[i]] <- elip[[i]][indices]
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x, !!!elip))
  # The main group and summarise
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~thisfun(., cur_group_rows()), .names = funcolname)) %>%

So, for something like the weighted average with an na.rm argument, we specify the vector of weights, rather than their bare name in the dataframe.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, nacars$wt, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6

And that also works if we want a function without any data-variables

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_nampg
  <dbl>      <dbl>
1     3       15.6
2     4       25.4
3     5       21.7

If we don’t want to pass vectors but pass bare names, we might be able to do that with the same approach, but will need to specify which are which. Then we’d create the vectors internal to the function using the same select syntax as before.

Now the internal function has to be a bit different (simpler) since it doesn’t have to do the checking for length since we’ve specified dataargs.

arbdatanames <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                         FUN, dataargs, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  # make a tibble so it doesn't collapse to vector if only one column
  datavecs <- data %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  # Define the function to evaluate
  thisfun <- function(x, indices) {
    elip <- list(...)
    # deal with the case of no passed arguments
    if (length(elip) == 0 & nrow(datavecs) == 0) {
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x))
    } else {
      # clip data arguments (e.g. weights) to just the group
      thisdata <- datavecs[indices, ]
      # make all the arguments a list so we can call it
      allargs <- c(as.list(thisdata), elip)
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x, !!!allargs))
  # The main group and summarise
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~thisfun(., cur_group_rows()), .names = funcolname)) %>%

Now, that should work for the weighted mean as well. Note that now the data variables have to be part of the dataframe- this function does not accept vectors passed in from elsewhere.

BUT, it doesn’t work because the names of the arguments need to be the names in the list of arguments following the !!!. And here, wt is the name, but weighted.mean wants w. So we not only need to specify the data-variable name, but the function-argument name for that variable as well. This is getting very in the weeds.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, dataargs = wt, na.rm = TRUE)

For example, arguments with the wrong names just get ignored. Names are essential, the execution does not just rely on order like if we called a function directly. Which makes sense for safety, but makes things harder here.

vals = rnorm(10)
arglist <- list(x = vals, wt = 1:10, na.rm = TRUE)
rlang::exec(weighted.mean, !!!arglist)
[1] 0.1166201
arglist2 <- list(x = vals, w = 1:10, na.rm = TRUE)
rlang::exec(weighted.mean, !!!arglist2)
[1] 0.08719472

It would be nice to pass name-value pairs, but the bare names are going to trip us up, I think. Could do it with paired characters I guess, but we’ve just spent quite a lot of time trying to avoid that. Would work though. Kind of a pain to setup- would make most sense as two paired columns or vectors. And if we do that, it’d end up being roughly equivalent to just adding another argument to the function for the matched names.

Skipping the rename if dataargnames aren’t specified allows ignoring it if the columns have the correct names, and helps it work more smoothly if there aren’t dataargs at all.

arbdatanames <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                         FUN, dataargs, dataargnames = NULL, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  # make a tibble so it doesn't collapse to vector if only one column
  datavecs <- data %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  if (!is.null(dataargnames)) {
    names(datavecs) <- dataargnames
  # Define the function to evaluate
  thisfun <- function(x, indices) {
    elip <- list(...)
    # deal with the case of no passed arguments
    if (length(elip) == 0 & nrow(datavecs) == 0) {
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x))
    } else {
      # clip data arguments (e.g. weights) to just the group
      thisdata <- datavecs[indices, ]
      # make all the arguments a list so we can call it
      allargs <- c(as.list(thisdata), elip)
      return(rlang::exec(FUN, x, !!!allargs))
  # The main group and summarise
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~thisfun(., cur_group_rows()), .names = funcolname)) %>%

Now that works. The alternative would be to have a table of matched dataargs and dataargnames, and have that table be a single argument to arbdatanames, but we’d still have to created it and that’d involve more overhead.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, dataargs = wt, dataargnames = 'w', 
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6

And it works in situations without data args.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear mean_nampg
  <dbl>      <dbl>
1     3       15.6
2     4       25.4
3     5       21.7

That should work for >1 data variable as well. Let’s define a function that needs multiple data variables. This is very contrived with just some division and multiplication, but works as a check.

multidat <- function(x, w, d, m, na.rm) {
  preprep <- x/d*m
  outcome <- weighted.mean(preprep, w, na.rm = na.rm)

That works. Note that the dependence on argument names means we can specify out of order- we get two very different answers depending on whether we call cyl and hp d and m or m and d.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = multidat, dataargs = c(wt, cyl, hp), dataargnames = c('w', 'd', 'm'), 
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear multidat_nampg
  <dbl>          <dbl>
1     3           358.
2     4           466.
3     5           654.
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = multidat, dataargs = c(wt, cyl, hp), dataargnames = c('w', 'm', 'd'), 
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear multidat_nampg
  <dbl>          <dbl>
1     3          0.643
2     4          1.39 
3     5          0.608

Is there any reason to specify thisfun externally to the main function? I guess maybe? It forces us to specify arguments, and potentially makes things clearer.

# Define the function to evaluate within the summary
sumfun <- function(x, indices, FUN, datavecs, ...) {
  elip <- list(...)
  # deal with the case of no passed arguments
  if (length(elip) == 0 & nrow(datavecs) == 0) {
    return(rlang::exec(FUN, x))
  } else {
    # clip data arguments (e.g. weights) to just the group
    thisdata <- datavecs[indices, ]
    # make all the arguments a list so we can call it
    allargs <- c(as.list(thisdata), elip)
    return(rlang::exec(FUN, x, !!!allargs))
newfun <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                         FUN, dataargs, dataargnames = NULL, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname <- paste0(funname, '_{.col}')
  # make a tibble so it doesn't collapse to vector if only one column
  datavecs <- data %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  if (!is.null(dataargnames)) {
    names(datavecs) <- dataargnames
  # The main group and summarise
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, ~sumfun(., indices = cur_group_rows(), FUN = FUN, datavecs = datavecs, ...), .names = funcolname)) %>%

That does work just as above. I’m not sure which will be cleaner in practice, but I like that this relies less on borrowing variables from the creating environment.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = weighted.mean, dataargs = wt, dataargnames = 'w', 
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear weighted.mean_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>
1     3                14.9
2     4                24.8
3     5                19.6
        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN = multidat, dataargs = c(wt, cyl, hp), dataargnames = c('w', 'm', 'd'), 
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   gear multidat_nampg
  <dbl>          <dbl>
1     3          0.643
2     4          1.39 
3     5          0.608

Multiple functions- with appropriate named outputs

Simple - hardcoded number of functions

Sometimes we might want to calculate multiple summary or mutate functions for the same set of data, and so rather than repeating the above functions multiple times with different FUN arguments, it would be good to be able to send them all at once for one run-through. The simplest way to do this is to have a known number of functions and write that number of summaries, e.g.

simplemultifun <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                         FUN1, dataargs1, dataargnames1 = NULL,
                         FUN2, dataargs2, dataargnames2 = NULL, ...) {
  # function name as character
  funname1 <- as.character(substitute(FUN1))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname1 <- paste0(funname1, '_{.col}')
    # function name as character
  funname2 <- as.character(substitute(FUN2))
  # This just avoids clutter in the summarise
  funcolname2 <- paste0(funname2, '_{.col}')
  # make a tibble so it doesn't collapse to vector if only one column
  datavecs1 <- data %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  if (!is.null(dataargnames1)) {
    names(datavecs1) <- dataargnames1
    # make a tibble so it doesn't collapse to vector if only one column
  datavecs2 <- data %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  if (!is.null(dataargnames2)) {
    names(datavecs2) <- dataargnames2
  # The main group and summarise
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
                     ~sumfun(., indices = cur_group_rows(), 
                             FUN = FUN1, datavecs = datavecs1, ...),
                     .names = funcolname1),
                     ~sumfun(., indices = cur_group_rows(),
                             FUN = FUN2, datavecs = datavecs2, ...),
                     .names = funcolname2)) %>%

Then as an example, let’s do a weighted mean but unweighted sd. note that they need to share the dots.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = nampg,
        FUN1 = weighted.mean, dataargs1 = wt, dataargnames1 = 'w',
        FUN2 = sd,
        na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   gear weighted.mean_nampg sd_nampg
  <dbl>               <dbl>    <dbl>
1     3                14.9     4.01
2     4                24.8     4.84
3     5                19.6     7.89

That works, but is really hardcoded in terms of what we can do. It has to have two functions. So, let’s try to say we can pass an arbitrary set of functions from 1 to n.

Note that a different data structure out the end is likely to be warranted, especially if we calculate these functions on multiple variables.- making this long with a column for the variable name and then the values of the functions might be the way to go if we do this for multiple variables.

Variable number of functions

What we really want here is to be able to pass in an arbitrary number of functions. That will get complicated if they have things like different data-variable arguments. In the simplest case, we can make the FUNS a list, and summarise just handles it. However, this breaks the names and the dots for arguments- the list needs to have all the info in it.

funmulti <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUNS, ...) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUNS)) %>%

If the list is named (using lst here, but list(mean = mean, sd = sd) would work too), those names get appended.

        groupers = gear,
        sumcols = mpg,
        FUNS = lst(mean, sd))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   gear mpg_mean mpg_sd
  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
1     3     16.1   3.37
2     4     24.5   5.28
3     5     21.4   6.66

That approach should work for arbitrary arguments if I use the tilde notation, and even allows data variables. This is a bit messier in the function call than I’d like, and there’s a bit less control over the names, but I think neither of those are major issues. Would be hard to be less verbose, really, and still have argument specification make any sense across multiple functions.

Actually, can I control the names with .names after all?

funmulti <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUNS, ...) {
# nameparser <- paste0('prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, FUNS, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

As of {dplyr} 1.1, this no longer works- it looks for wt as an object, not a data-variable. We’ll need to find a new solution.

         groupers = gear, 
         sumcols = nampg,
         FUNS = list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE), 
                     sd = ~sd(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE)))
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(nampg, FUNS, .names = "prefix_{.fn}_{.col}")`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_nampg`.
Caused by error:
! object 'wt' not found

Note that now the function args in the list work with data-variables and scalars, not with vectors passed in. This is not solely because of the grouping needing to be handled as we did above with the sumfun cutting to the correct indices, because even if we don’t group, we get errors about promise evals. This is because the FUNS list is being evaluated inside the summarise, and so thinks everything is a data-variable. There is probably a way to sort that out by using .env[['variablename']] in the specification, but that’ll just get more complex than just adding the column to the dataframe if we hit this situation. Especially since we’d have to pass the vector in so it’s available inside the funmulti environment, not just the global environment.

outerweights <- 1:nrow(nacars)

         # groupers = gear,
         sumcols = nampg,
         FUNS = list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     sd = ~sd(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., w = outerweights, 
                                         na.rm = TRUE)))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  prefix_mean_nampg prefix_sd_nampg prefix_wm_nampg
              <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1              20.1            6.59            20.3

Could we do something fancy with a list of FUNS and lists of arglists, parallelling how we did things above? Probably. I think in most instances though, this approach will work. I’ll develop that more complex situation only if needed.

Bringing it all together

Now, let’s choose a couple grouping columns, a selection of cols to summarise, and multiple summary functions, some with data arguments and some that are custom.

None of this works as of dplyr 1.1. The issue is that with new behaviour in dplyr, it is looking for the additional arguments not in the column names but as objects. See section below.

complexSummary <- funmulti(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE), 
                     sd = ~sd(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE),
                     custom = ~multidat(., w = wt, d = cyl, m = hp,
                                        na.rm = FALSE)))
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), FUNS, .names =
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'complexSummary' not found

This is complex enough it’s probably useful to pivot_longer

longsums <- complexSummary %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -c(gear, carb), 
               names_to = c('variable', 'summary_statistic'),
               names_sep = '_',
               values_to = 'value') 
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'complexSummary' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'longsums' not found

But that actually puts a lot of values with different meaning in the same value column. What’s probably better is to give different statistics their own columns, as sort of an intermediate long/wide.

longwide <- longsums %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = summary_statistic, values_from = value) 
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'longsums' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'longwide' not found

Anyway, this sort of arrangement isn’t the point of this document, so I’ll stop there.

Adjusting to dplyr 1.1

As of dplyr 1.1, new behaviour means that if we pass multi-argument functions, it looks for the additional arguments not as data-variables (column names), but as objects. E.g., we now get errors for all the weighted.mean calls above, since it cannot find a wt object when wt is a column name.

This is discussed as a dplyr github issue, where there is a workaround using rlang::quo, but I really don’t like it for a couple reasons, primarily that it forces a user to wrap their code in rlang::quo, and it matters where in the call stack the function gets defined. I’m not sure I’ll figure anything out that works better for me, since the tidyverse people came up with the workaround, but I need to try.

Re-demoing the issue

That workaround uses {{}} around FUNS in the function. Building on funmulti above,

funbrace <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUNS, ...) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

That actually works when we define the function to call inside the function argument.

bracecheck <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE)))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

However, if we define the functions to call in an object, it fails

funstocall <- list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., rlang::data_sym('wt'), na.rm = TRUE))

bracecheck2 <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funstocall)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), funstocall, .names =
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `x * w`:
! non-numeric argument to binary operator
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bracecheck2' not found

And the ‘solution’ is to use rlang::quo , followed by !! in the call

funstocallq <- rlang::quo(list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE)))

bracecheckq <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = !!funstocallq)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

That works, but it sure requires a lot of fiddling by the user with quosures.

We can bring the !! inside the function, which seems to work. I’ve run into issues before where this then requires quosures for everything, but it seems to be working here for mean, which doesn’t need the quosure because it doesn’t reference data-variables.

The !! method is

fundefuse <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUNS, ...) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, !!FUNS, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

And so now we don’t have to defuse in the function call.

funstocallq <- rlang::quo(c(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE)))

defusecheckb <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funstocallq)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

and mean works as well, even when it’s not wrapped in rlang::quo because it doesn’t reference data-variables.

funmean <- list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE))

defusecheckm <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funmean)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 5
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_mean_nampg
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>             <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.              3.18              21.4
 2     3     2            346.              3.04              17.8
 3     3     3            276.              3.07             NaN  
 4     3     4            416.              3.22              12.4
 5     4     1             84.2             4.06              27.6
 6     4     2            121.              4.16              25.4
 7     4     4            164.              3.91              21  
 8     5     2            108.              4.1               30.4
 9     5     4            351               4.22             NaN  
10     5     6            145               3.62              19.7
11     5     8            301               3.54              15  

Searching for a solution

I really don’t want to require quosures. And I want to be able to pass character function names.

Make reference internal to a custom function?

Attempt 1: can I simply define a function with the data-var internally referenced so it only takes one argument? I doubt it, but that might be the easiest.

weightcars <- function(x) {
  weighted.mean(x, w = wt, na.rm = TRUE)

That doesn’t work with either the !! or {{}} method.

funscustom <- list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weightcars(.))

defusecheckc <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funscustom)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `weightcars()`:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'defusecheckc' not found
bracecheckc <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funscustom)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), funscustom, .names =
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `weightcars()`:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bracecheckc' not found

And that doesn’t even work with the rlang::quo wrapper (unsurprisingly, I suppose).

funscustom <- rlang::quo(list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weightcars(.)))

defusecheckc <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = funscustom)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `weightcars()`:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'defusecheckc' not found

Modify the aggregation function somehow

My basic thought here is whether I can auto-build the data referencing. I’ve tried using rlang::data_sym in the weighted mean function, and doing a bunch of other things, but I haven’t come up with anything yet. Maybe rlang::inject?

Even if I specify the FUNS as a list inside the function, I need the rlang::quo. Which is surprising, since I don’t need it if they’re specified as a function argument. I’m missing something about quoting, I think.

funbrace <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                    FUNS, ...) {
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

Different formulat specification

What if instead of using the formula version of anonymous functions, we use \(x)? I think this will behave like the custom weightcars above, but maybe we can have more control inside the aggregation function?

First, does it work with the quo?

anonq <- rlang::quo(list(mean = \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = \(x) weighted.mean(x, wt, na.rm = TRUE)))
defusechecka <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = anonq)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

Works with the !! but not {{}}.

bracechecka <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = anonq)
Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
dplyr 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use `reframe()` instead.
ℹ When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
  always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear', 'carb'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 22 × 5
    gear  carb prefix_1_disp prefix_1_drat prefix_1_nampg
   <dbl> <dbl> <named list>  <named list>  <named list>  
 1     3     1 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 2     3     1 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 3     3     2 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 4     3     2 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 5     3     3 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 6     3     3 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 7     3     4 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 8     3     4 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
 9     4     1 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
10     4     1 <fn>          <fn>          <fn>          
# ℹ 12 more rows

Now, can we get it to work without quo???

anonbare <- list(mean = \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = \(x) weighted.mean(x, wt, na.rm = TRUE))

anonbare <- list(mean = \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),

Not immediately. but can we modify those functions?

defusecheckab <- fundefuse(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = anonbare)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'defusecheckab' not found
bracecheckab <- funbrace(nacars, 
         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
         FUNS = anonbare)
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), anonbare, .names =
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error:
! object 'wt' not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bracecheckab' not found

Is the answer to drop dplyr?

I thought about moving to stats::aggregate, but it seems like that is going to cause just as many problems, especially when we get to passing it arbitrary lists of functions. The syntax is just so clumsy (at least to me).

Does it just work if I give it the vector?

This won’t solve the whole problem, and I think it still won’t actually work with the groupings, but should test.

anonbarevec <- list(mean = \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                    wm = \(x) weighted.mean(x, nacars$wt, na.rm = TRUE))

As expected, that fails because the external vector doesn’t get broken up by the groups.

defusecheckab <- fundefuse(nacars,  
                           groupers = c(gear, carb),
                           sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),
                           FUNS = anonbarevec) 
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `weighted.mean.default()`:
! 'x' and 'w' must have the same length
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'defusecheckab' not found
bracecheckab <- funbrace(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = anonbarevec) 
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), anonbarevec, .names =
ℹ In group 1: `gear = 3` and `carb = 1`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Can't compute column `prefix_wm_disp`.
Caused by error in `weighted.mean.default()`:
! 'x' and 'w' must have the same length
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'bracecheckab' not found

Build and feed a character string

We know we need the rlang::quo to get this to work, but we can see the expressions we need in the list inside the function while debugging. So can we build the list wrapped in rlang::quo inside the function? Not very directly, as far as I can tell. But eval(parse(STRING)) seems to be a crude way forward.

It works to feed it a character string

charfuns <- "rlang::quo(list(mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), wm = function(x) weighted.mean(x, wt, na.rm = TRUE)))"

# seems to work. NOW, how can I do that, and do it safely?
# Likely turn the list into characters, then put rlang::quo on it, and round and round we go. Going to need lots of testing.

And a function that parses that

funchar <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                     FUNS, ...) {
  FUNS <- eval(parse(text = FUNS))
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%
charcheck <- funchar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = charfuns) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

So, that works. This is getting very messy though. We certianly don’t want to make a user send us that string- that’s far worse than just wrapping in rlang::quo.

BUT, does this allow us to programatically build that string inside the function? Should try without it first, and then if it fails, build the string. Make a function that does that.

funbracechar <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                     FUNS, ...) {
  gm <- try(data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%
    ungroup(), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(gm, 'try-error')) {
    fchar <- paste0(c("rlang::quo(", deparse(FUNS), ")"), collapse = '')
    # FUNS2 <- eval(parse(text = fchar)) # base R
    FUNS3 <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::parse_expr(fchar)) # rlang claims to be faster?
  gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS3}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

Will need to test this with ~ functions, bare names, and \(x) anonymous functions. I don’t think I expect it to work with character names. But it might work with character specification of the whole function?

anonbare <- list(mean = \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                    wm = \(x) weighted.mean(x, wt, na.rm = TRUE))

it works with the \(x) style anonymous function

charcheck <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = anonbare) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

works with tilde-style anonymous functions

funstilde <- list(mean = ~mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = ~weighted.mean(., wt, na.rm = TRUE))

chartilde <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funstilde) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

and unsurprisingly with the long form anonymous

funsfullanon <- list(mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                     wm = function(x) weighted.mean(x, wt, na.rm = TRUE))

charfullanon <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsfullanon) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

It works with custom functions with the argument inside. If we look at what the deparse does inside the debugger, we can see that it expands those functions out, and so the thing that gets quoted is actually exactly the same as the previous version in funsfullanon.

weightcustom <- function(x) {
  weighted.mean(x, w = wt, na.rm = TRUE)

meancustom <- function(x) {
  mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

funscustom <- list(mean = meancustom,
                     wm = weightcustom)

charweightcustom <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funscustom) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_wm_disp prefix_mean_drat prefix_wm_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.           208.              3.18           3.13
 2     3     2            346.           347.              3.04           3.03
 3     3     3            276.           276.              3.07           3.07
 4     3     4            416.           425.              3.22           3.19
 5     4     1             84.2           85.3             4.06           4.05
 6     4     2            121.           128.              4.16           4.05
 7     4     4            164.           164.              3.91           3.91
 8     5     2            108.           110.              4.1            4.16
 9     5     4            351            351               4.22           4.22
10     5     6            145            145               3.62           3.62
11     5     8            301            301               3.54           3.54
# ℹ 2 more variables: prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>, prefix_wm_nampg <dbl>

It works when there’s a single function, not a list, too. If we look in the debugger, this does still fail with the simple {{}}, triggers the try loop, and gets deparsed.

funsnolist <- weightcustom

charweightcustom <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsnolist) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 5
    gear  carb prefix_1_disp prefix_1_drat prefix_1_nampg
   <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     3     1         208.           3.13           21.4
 2     3     2         347.           3.03           17.8
 3     3     3         276.           3.07          NaN  
 4     3     4         425.           3.19           12.3
 5     4     1          85.3          4.05           27.5
 6     4     2         128.           4.05           24.6
 7     4     4         164.           3.91           21  
 8     5     2         110.           4.16           30.4
 9     5     4         351            4.22          NaN  
10     5     6         145            3.62           19.7
11     5     8         301            3.54           15  

I expect it not to work for a character vector, and it doesn’t.

funsnolistchar <- 'weightcustom'

charnolistchar <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsnolistchar) 
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(c(starts_with("d"), nampg), "weightcustom",
  .names = "prefix_{.fn}_{.col}")`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! `.fns` must be a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas.
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'charnolistchar' not found

But, does it work if we add an mget line?

funbracechar <- function(data, groupers, sumcols,
                     FUNS, ...) {
  if (is.character(FUNS)) {
    FUNS <- mget(FUNS, inherits = TRUE)
  gm <- try(data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%
    ungroup(), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(gm, 'try-error')) {
    fchar <- paste0(c("rlang::quo(", deparse(FUNS), ")"), collapse = '')
    # FUNS2 <- eval(parse(text = fchar)) # base R
    FUNS3 <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::parse_expr(fchar)) # rlang claims to be faster?
    gm <- data %>%
    group_by(across({{groupers}})) %>%
    summarise(across({{sumcols}}, {{FUNS3}}, 
                     .names = 'prefix_{.fn}_{.col}')) %>%

It works for a single function

funsnolistchar <- 'weightcustom'

charnolistchar <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsnolistchar) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 5
    gear  carb prefix_weightcustom_disp prefix_weightcustom_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>                    <dbl>                    <dbl>
 1     3     1                    208.                      3.13
 2     3     2                    347.                      3.03
 3     3     3                    276.                      3.07
 4     3     4                    425.                      3.19
 5     4     1                     85.3                     4.05
 6     4     2                    128.                      4.05
 7     4     4                    164.                      3.91
 8     5     2                    110.                      4.16
 9     5     4                    351                       4.22
10     5     6                    145                       3.62
11     5     8                    301                       3.54
# ℹ 1 more variable: prefix_weightcustom_nampg <dbl>

And for multiple functions if they are in a character vector

funsmultichar <- c('mean', 'weightcustom')

charmultichar <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsmultichar) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 11 × 8
    gear  carb prefix_mean_disp prefix_weightcustom_disp prefix_mean_drat
   <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>                    <dbl>            <dbl>
 1     3     1            201.                     208.              3.18
 2     3     2            346.                     347.              3.04
 3     3     3            276.                     276.              3.07
 4     3     4            416.                     425.              3.22
 5     4     1             84.2                     85.3             4.06
 6     4     2            121.                     128.              4.16
 7     4     4            164.                     164.              3.91
 8     5     2            108.                     110.              4.1 
 9     5     4            351                      351               4.22
10     5     6            145                      145               3.62
11     5     8            301                      301               3.54
# ℹ 3 more variables: prefix_weightcustom_drat <dbl>, prefix_mean_nampg <dbl>,
#   prefix_weightcustom_nampg <dbl>

But not for a list. This is not unexpected- the mget is in if(is.character(FUNS)) , and so the list won’t get mgot. I think that’s good enough for now. It would be doable obviously to purrr over the list and mget the items that are characters, but that’s not really the focus here. We have figured out an (ugly) workaround for the dplyr 1.1 issue, and that will have to do for now- applying it over all possible organisations of FUNS will have to be for another day.

funsmulticharl <- list(m = 'mean', wm = 'weightcustom')

charmulticharl <- funbracechar(nacars,  
                         groupers = c(gear, carb), 
                         sumcols = c(starts_with('d'), nampg),   
                         FUNS = funsmulticharl) 
Error in `summarise()`:
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! `.fns` must be a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas.
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'charmulticharl' not found


I keep feeling like eval_tidy should work somehow, since it allows the .data pronoun, but I can’t seem to get my head around how it would work here. I’d happily write something like \(x) eval_tidy(weighted.mean(x, .data$wt, na.rm = TRUE))). Maybe I can get that to work with the right sort of enquoing? I tried for a while and couldn’t figure it out, but maybe come back fresh later on.