Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.3.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
We downloaded and saved the geofabric. Now we want to open and plot some of it.
The folder structure is too complex inside the zip, so have to extract. I’m most interested right now in the river lines.
gdbpath <- file.path('data', 'geofabric', 'SH_Network_GDB', 'SH_Network.gdb')
if (!file.exists(gdbpath))
unzip(file.path('data', 'geofabric', ''),
exdir = file.path('data', 'geofabric'))
There are a lot of layers, so can’t just st_read
Driver: OpenFileGDB
Available layers:
layer_name geometry_type features fields crs_name
1 AHGFNetworkConnectivityUp NA 3694332 3 <NA>
2 AHGFNetworkConnectivityDown NA 2642087 3 <NA>
3 AHGFNetworkStream_FS NA 120614 2 <NA>
4 AHGFNetworkNodeLUT NA 6370 14 <NA>
5 AHGFNetworkNode Point 2532980 29 GDA94
6 AHGFCatchment Multi Polygon 7047524 27 GDA94
7 AHGFNetworkStream Multi Line String 2578471 31 GDA94
8 AHGFWaterbody Multi Polygon 159198 27 GDA94
9 SH_Network_Net_Junctions Point 0 1 GDA94
10 N_1_Desc NA 5117450 5 <NA>
11 N_1_EDesc NA 1893 2 <NA>
12 N_1_EStatus NA 40 2 <NA>
13 N_1_ETopo NA 631 2 <NA>
14 N_1_FloDir NA 40 2 <NA>
15 N_1_JDesc NA 1856 2 <NA>
16 N_1_JStatus NA 39 2 <NA>
17 N_1_JTopo NA 4948 2 <NA>
18 N_1_JTopo2 NA 2 2 <NA>
19 N_1_Props NA 9 2 <NA>
The stream lines are big, but just reading doesn’t take too long.
rivers <- st_read(gdbpath, layer = 'AHGFNetworkStream')
Reading layer `AHGFNetworkStream' from data source
using driver `OpenFileGDB'
Simple feature collection with 2578471 features and 31 fields
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 113.3753 ymin: -43.62889 xmax: 153.6317 ymax: -10.06028
Geodetic CRS: GDA94
Let’s subset to the major rivers to not crash?
major_rivers <- rivers |>
dplyr::filter(Hierarchy == 'Major')
Still 182557, but we can try to plot it?
riverlen_plot <- ggplot(major_rivers, aes(color = log(UpstrGeoLn))) +
geom_sf() +
riverlen_plot + theme(legend.position = 'none')