Investigating parallel speedups


Galen Holt

I tend to run a lot of code that can be parallelised, but it’s not always clear when it’s worth it and how best to structure the paralellisation. Should it be at the outermost layer, where I’m typically looping over parameters, some intermediate layer where I might be looping over indices or iterators, or to handle large datasets?

For reference, I often have population dynamics models with many species and locations. At each timestep I need to make a lot of calculations on the species, including some large matrix multiplications to get dispersal. These could be parallelised over species. And after simulations are complete, I calculate a lot of covariances over species, space, and time that can be parallelised over pairwise combinations. Both of these cases operate on large arrays, and so would feed large amounts of data to parallelised functions, which would then do some limited processing on it (e.g. calculate covariances and clean them up for return). At the other extreme, each of these situations is governed by an initial set of parameters, giving, for example, environmental conditions, species growth rates, etc. These are often just vectors, and so parallelising over them would feed the parallel function small amounts of data and kick off large amounts of work.

To test parallel performance under these different situations, I’ll attempt to build an example that is non-trivial, but still try to stay minimally complex to avoid getting into writing a complex population dynamics model.

Packages and setup

I’ll use the {future} package, along with {dofuture} and {foreach}, because I tend to like writing for loops (there’s a reason- I’ll try to write up sometime later). I’ll also test {furrr} and {future.apply} to see if they differ in any appreciable way.


Just set up a typical doFuture situation with plan(multisession). Sorting out plans is a topic for another day.


A data-heavy loop

Let’s just say it’s a biggish (but not obscene) matrix multiplication, which for a single iteration (maybe this is species 1’s dispersal) looks like this:

a <- rnorm(1000)
b <- matrix(rnorm(1000*1000), nrow = 1000)
microbenchmark(c <- a %*% b, times = 10)
Unit: milliseconds
         expr      min       lq     mean   median     uq    max neval
 c <- a %*% b 1.213801 1.345602 1.475621 1.442501 1.6289 1.7425    10

Now, let’s say we have a lot of species- ie there are 100 a’s in the situation above. I’ll put them in a list so I can use foreach or furrr or future.apply might make the most sense. My code often makes the most sense in loops because of dependencies and so I tend to keep writing them, but anything parallelisable should be able to be coerced into working with furrr or future.apply.

So, let’s say I have 100 ‘species’ that each get multiplied by the b above

a100 <- matrix(rnorm(100*1000), ncol = 100)

In a single- case, this is

c1 <- a100[,1] %*% b

So what we want to do is multiply each column of a100 by b and then glue them back together. And yes, we could do all this more cleanly with linear algebra. The point here is to test the situation where we have a reasonably large amount of data we want to iterate over and do some smallish number of operations on. I’ll make each one a function so we can easily run them through microbenchmark (and later, nest them).


mult_foreach <- function(a, b) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(a), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
    a[,i] %*% b


purrr (and so furrr) don’t seem to work on matrices. So, I guess have a silly pre-step to make it a list. I’m going to do that outside the function, simply because if we went this way, we’d set the data up to work.

mult_furrr <- function(a_list, b) {
  c_map <- future_map(a_list, \(x) x %*% b)
  matrix(unlist(c_map), ncol = 2)


mult_apply <- function(a, b) {
  future_apply(a, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x %*% b)

simple for

Preallocate, because I’m not a heathen

mult_for <- function(a, b) {
  c_for <- a
  for(i in 1:ncol(a)) {
    c_for[,i] <- a[,i] %*% b

future for

We can write a usual for loop if we use futures directly. the futures themselves have to go in a list, because they are futures, not values, and so can’t go straight into a matrix. That list can be preallocated.

There are two ways to do this- explicit and implicit- see the future docs.

Explicit futures

mult_for_future_e <- function(a, b) {
  c_for <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ncol(a))
  for(i in 1:ncol(a)) {
    c_for[[i]] <- future({a[,i] %*% b})
  # get values and make a matrix
  v_for <- lapply(c_for, FUN = value)
  return(matrix(unlist(v_for), ncol = ncol(a)))

Implicit futures

using listenv

mult_for_future_i <- function(a, b) {
  c_for <- listenv()
  for(i in 1:ncol(a)) {
    c_for[[i]] %<-% {a[,i] %*% b}
  # get values and make a matrix
  v_for <- as.list(c_for)
  return(matrix(unlist(v_for), ncol = ncol(a)))

linear algebra

mult_linear <- function(a,b) {
  t(a %*% b)

Test they all work

set up a small test case and see if they are all returning the same answer

asmall <- matrix(rnorm(10*2), ncol = 2)
asmall_l <- as.list( # This is silly
bsmall <- matrix(rnorm(10*10), ncol = 10)
c_foreach <- mult_foreach(asmall, bsmall)
c_furrr <- mult_furrr(asmall_l, bsmall)
c_apply <- mult_apply(asmall, bsmall)
c_for <- mult_for(asmall, bsmall)
c_for_fe <- mult_for_future_e(asmall, bsmall)
c_for_fi <- mult_for_future_i(asmall, bsmall)
c_linear <- mult_linear(t(asmall), bsmall)
all(c_foreach == c_furrr)
[1] TRUE
all(c_foreach == c_apply)
[1] TRUE
all(c_foreach == c_for)
[1] TRUE
all(c_foreach == c_for_fe)
[1] TRUE
all(c_foreach == c_for_fi)
[1] TRUE
all(c_foreach == c_linear)
[1] TRUE


a100_l <- as.list(

  futureforeach = mult_foreach(a100, b),
  futurefurrr = mult_furrr(a100_l, b),
  futureapply = mult_apply(a100, b),
  bare_for = mult_for(a100, b),
  future_for_e = mult_for_future_e(a100, b),
  future_for_i = mult_for_future_i(a100, b),
  bare_linear = mult_linear(t(a100), b),
  times = 10
Unit: milliseconds
          expr        min         lq        mean      median         uq
 futureforeach  2391.7859  2547.7285  2824.28290  2858.64935  3109.1553
   futurefurrr  2735.9775  2758.9662  3276.79272  3026.24630  3230.1335
   futureapply  2563.8114  2641.1631  2797.72951  2722.93280  2952.8528
      bare_for    91.1790    98.1436   107.60745   106.17695   108.6603
  future_for_e 13317.3280 14126.5008 15066.07841 15425.70625 15793.8948
  future_for_i 13905.7498 14113.6200 14788.64297 14595.06900 15508.8098
   bare_linear    39.3198    43.7770    46.23252    44.91655    45.9903
        max neval
  3168.6752    10
  5711.8441    10
  3171.3136    10
   137.4717    10
 16143.9597    10
 15898.4413    10
    60.5414    10

Well, that’s interesting. The futures are hugely slower than even the bare for. And the direct futures in a for are the worst by far (so bad there must be something major wrong). Is it just overhead passing the matrices to workers? That might explain the poor performance of the direct futures in for- if the other future functions chunk to avoid passing everything every time, then the overhead hits the direct versions much harder. Or something else? Does preallocating help for the foreach, apply, etc?

Preallocation and lists

This is a bit of an aside- we know preallocation speeds up for loops. Does it speed up foreach? Seems unlikely, since by nature foreach constructs the object additively as a list or whatever’s specified in .combine. That can make the code cleaner in a lot of cases if we’re building something in a loop, but it seems more like the un-preallocated for method of doing things.

Let’s test and see.

preallocate the foreach

I typically don’t do this, since my understanding of foreach is that it builds them with the .combine, so preallocating doesn’t do anything. But maybe?

mult_foreach_pre <- function(a, b) {
  c_foreach <- t(a)
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(a), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
    a[,i] %*% b

Return the foreach as a list

It is possible that using .combine is forcing slower behaviour for the foreach, and it’s optimized for a list?

mult_foreach_list <- function(a, b) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(a)) %dopar% {
    a[,i] %*% b
  # Do the binding in one step
  return(matrix(unlist(c_foreach), ncol = 2))

Don’t preallocate the for

How bad is this- I almost always DO preallocate (it’s faster, and the loop starts at 1, and it’s just cleaner), but it’s possible not to.

mult_for_build <- function(a, b) {
  c_for <- a[,1] %*% b
  for(i in 2:ncol(a)) {
    ctemp <- a[,i] %*% b
    c_for <- rbind(c_for, ctemp)

I’ll include the furrr and future.apply here too, I guess as reference.

  futurefurrr = mult_furrr(a100_l, b),
  futureapply = mult_apply(a100, b),
  futureforeach = mult_foreach(a100, b),
  preallocate_foreach = mult_foreach_pre(a100, b),
  foreach_list = mult_foreach_list(a100, b),
  bare_for = mult_for(a100, b),
  unallocate_for = mult_for_build(a100, b),
  bare_linear = mult_linear(t(a100), b),
  times = 10
Unit: milliseconds
                expr       min        lq       mean    median        uq
         futurefurrr 2571.1246 2767.6439 2857.16904 2866.4501 2897.1658
         futureapply 2507.3732 2652.2697 2799.40048 2846.0770 2917.3628
       futureforeach 2293.2059 2438.9546 2593.98055 2637.0460 2725.0197
 preallocate_foreach 2343.7728 2587.9531 2620.46876 2612.0335 2671.4092
        foreach_list 2291.8114 2404.4547 2544.75845 2517.0032 2714.5863
            bare_for   93.8633   99.2174  100.78608   99.9848  101.3844
      unallocate_for  117.2363  120.5628  124.45097  124.5449  127.4235
         bare_linear   40.2038   40.7167   42.76278   42.6698   43.5522
       max neval
 3297.9195    10
 3056.1415    10
 2785.5028    10
 2820.4449    10
 2794.5918    10
  109.7385    10
  132.2418    10
   47.7955    10

These results are interesting, and the actual slowdown (not just lack of speedup) is worrying for how I do some things. I think the overhead of shifting the data around is absolutely killing these parallel processes. And I definitely have code that does this sort of thing.

I have two more questions now (plus one for later):

  1. Does the foreach loop work as fast as a for if I use %do% instead of %dopar%? Or is the overhead still there?

    1. And same with all the futures if I set plan(sequential)?
  2. If I don’t send prebuilt data, but just some parameters and build the data internally, how do they compare?

    1. Sometimes this flow makes sense, and sometimes it doesn’t– e.g. if I’m simulating populations, the outer set of parallelisation just sends parameters. But the internal set often needs to work on things like population matrices. And so maybe that internal loop just shouldn’t be parallel.
  3. How do other plan options affect these answers? I think this deserves its own page, and could get very complicated once I get into future.callr, future.batchtools, cluster, etc. And multicore might avoid the passing and use pointers, but i can’t test on windows?


foreach %do%

Let’s try shifting to %do% for the foreach

mult_foreach_do <- function(a, b) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(a), .combine = rbind) %do% {
    a[,i] %*% b

list foreach %do%

mult_foreach_list_do <- function(a, b) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(a)) %do% {
    a[,i] %*% b
  # Do the binding in one step
  return(matrix(unlist(c_foreach), ncol = 2))

Test against parallel foreach, bare for, and the unallocated for (since that’s kind of what the foreach is doing- building up an object). Since that’s sometimes nice behaviour and leads to cleaner code than a for loop, I’d like to see how they compare.

  futureforeach = mult_foreach(a100, b),
  foreachdo = mult_foreach_do(a100, b),
  foreachlistdo = mult_foreach_list_do(a100, b),
  bare_for = mult_for(a100, b),
  unallocate_for = mult_for_build(a100, b),
  bare_linear = mult_linear(t(a100), b),
  times = 10
Unit: milliseconds
           expr       min        lq       mean    median        uq       max
  futureforeach 2294.3315 2413.2883 2441.58145 2426.2623 2491.8492 2593.4213
      foreachdo  108.1478  110.7516  117.48842  118.1481  122.2505  128.2518
  foreachlistdo  110.9159  111.7610  118.85446  117.0267  119.7476  144.9399
       bare_for   91.0620   96.5476  106.97241  108.5482  112.5208  131.5772
 unallocate_for  116.1919  120.7025  124.04948  124.7919  127.6500  130.3755
    bare_linear   39.1770   40.9914   42.25231   42.5430   43.0318   46.4730

Interesting. Nearly identical to the unallocated for and quite a bit faster than the parallel version, which seems to hint that it’s the data transfer that’s killing things. And backs up my assumption of what’s going on under the hood in terms of constructing the object as in an unallocated for loop. There’s no appreciable difference in using the foreach with a list and then combining vs combining as we go with .combine.


How do the parallel versions work with plan(sequential)? Do they all get a speedup from avoiding data transfer? This is the same benchmark test as above, but now run sequentially.


  futurefurrr = mult_furrr(a100_l, b),
  futureapply = mult_apply(a100, b),
  futureforeach = mult_foreach(a100, b),
  bare_for = mult_for(a100, b),
  unallocate_for = mult_for_build(a100, b),
  bare_linear = mult_linear(t(a100), b),
  times = 10
Unit: milliseconds
           expr      min       lq      mean   median       uq      max neval
    futurefurrr 116.6781 119.5224 124.35162 125.1431 127.5115 134.7231    10
    futureapply 105.6057 110.9022 114.05056 113.2071 119.2455 120.0307    10
  futureforeach 115.8364 123.0657 127.43182 125.7630 128.5088 141.5289    10
       bare_for  92.1208 103.9310 108.69223 110.5858 113.8986 118.0519    10
 unallocate_for 118.7530 123.6296 127.38882 125.9754 130.5657 140.5084    10
    bare_linear  40.6936  42.4847  43.83156  44.3669  44.9938  45.7687    10

Interesting. foreach and furrr both sped up about as expected (furrr just seems a bit slower in general), but future.apply had much less of a speedup. It must not fall back to a simpler function, and still tries to use the parallel data shuffling? It is still much faster than with plan(multisession) (was 590 microseconds), so something is happening, but it’s not getting down to the speeds of the other futures. And the simple for is still fastest (other than just using linear algebra, obviously).

The message so far

Test the parallel implementation at different points in the code- if there’s no way to avoid data passing, a simple for (or other sequential function like apply could be fastest.

Create the data in the function

Sometimes it does work (or makes more sense) to create the data inside each parallel process. This is certainly the case where we’re looping over parameter sets for simulations, which tend to be embarassingly parallel and low-data, which then sets of lots of processing. It’s also likely to be the case in another situation I encounter often- reading chunks of large raster data, where I can keep it as stars_proxy objects until inside a parallel loop, where I can bring a chunk into memory. Something similar is likely true of things like netcdf reading.

To test this sort of situation, let’s use the same functions as above, but now create the vectors and matrices internally, rather than pass them in. I’m going to remake the b matrix internally because the point is to check this use of parallelism (lots of processing triggered from small data), even though in practice for this particular sort of calculation we’d need to pass it in so it’s common to all the a’s. Here, it’s just a stand-in for “do some work”. Let’s make the first argument actually do something other than just replicate, so have it set the mean of a.

I’m not going to bother with setting seeds because it’ll be a pain to get them to match across the different ways of doing this, so the answers will be different.

Do we need to adjust globals here? If we leave defaults, we copy in the whole parent environment, right? and so don’t end-run anything? e.g. .options = furrr_options(globals = "y") for furrr? No, see tests of this below- future only passes in the needed objects from global.

Turn parallel processing back on.



changing this a bit too so all the work is done inside (no t on the return)

mult_foreach_internal <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:n_reps, .combine = cbind) %dorng% {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = i)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)


reframing this one too, because future_map needs to call the function that does all the generating. This construction gets contrived very quickly.

mult_furrr_internal <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  fn_to_call <- function(rep, size) {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = rep)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)
  c_map <- future_map(1:n_reps, fn_to_call, size = size, .options = furrr_options(seed = TRUE))
  matrix(unlist(c_map), ncol = n_reps)


modifying to future_lapply because it doesn’t make sense to apply over the margins of a matrix that gets created. Again, this is getting contrived.

mult_apply_internal <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
    fn_to_call <- function(rep, size) {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = rep)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)
  c_apply <- future_lapply(1:n_reps, FUN = fn_to_call, size, future.seed = TRUE)
    matrix(unlist(c_apply), ncol = n_reps)


back to preallocating- we know it’s better

mult_for_internal <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  c_for <- matrix(nrow = size, ncol = n_reps)
  for(i in 1:n_reps) {
        a <- rnorm(size, mean = i)
        b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)

        c_for[,i] <- a %*% b

future for

We can write a usual for loop if we use futures directly. the futures themselves have to go in a list, because they are futures, not values, and so can’t go straight into a matrix. That list can be preallocated.

There are two ways to do this- explicit and implicit- see the future docs.

Explicit futures

mult_for_future_internal_e <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  c_for <- vector(mode = 'list', length = n_reps)
  for(i in 1:n_reps) {
    c_for[[i]] <- future({a <- rnorm(size, mean = i)
        b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
        a %*% b}, seed = TRUE)
  # get values and make a matrix
  v_for <- lapply(c_for, FUN = value)
  return(matrix(unlist(v_for), ncol = n_reps))

Implicit futures

using listenv

That’s a funny way to set the seed. Good to know.

mult_for_future_internal_i <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  c_for <- listenv()
  for(i in 1:n_reps) {
    c_for[[i]] %<-% {a <- rnorm(size, mean = i)
        b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
        a %*% b} %seed% TRUE
  # get values and make a matrix
  v_for <- as.list(c_for)
  return(matrix(unlist(v_for), ncol = n_reps))

There’s no reason to have a linear algebra version here, since we’re by definition not operating on existing matrices.

Try that without adjusting what globals are passed to the futures

  futurefurrr = mult_furrr_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureapply = mult_apply_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureforeach = mult_foreach_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futurefor_e = mult_for_future_internal_e(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futurefor_i = mult_for_future_internal_i(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  bare_for = mult_for_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  times = 10
Unit: seconds
          expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max
   futurefurrr  2.911519  2.937818  3.446520  3.176596  3.296120  6.415807
   futureapply  2.824095  2.847494  3.067614  3.021533  3.228708  3.546101
 futureforeach  2.829144  2.940019  3.237918  3.160864  3.245488  4.222348
   futurefor_e 12.650138 13.192132 13.856649 13.579496 14.916949 15.034860
   futurefor_i 13.213725 13.252212 13.510405 13.378892 13.803717 14.127473
      bare_for  3.626247  3.706880  3.980060  4.089718  4.211040  4.323426

Now the parallelisation is helping quite a bit, even the for loops with futures, though they’re still much slower than the other future methods. However, this is much slower than creating the matrices as we actually should do for this particular calculation, and is even slower than passing those matrices in. So, if the operations need to happen this way anyway (parallel lots of stuff over parameters), this makes lots of sense and speeds up. If we CAN pre-generate matrices, linear algebra is fastest (unsurprisingly), and the loops are next, even if we have to eat pass-in cost. Though in that case sequential is probably better.

I think the slower bare futures are likely because there’s no chunking being done, and so data is copied to each iteration, rather than to chunks of iterations (which is built into doFuture and I think furrr and future.apply. I could try to manually chunk to test that, but I think I’m just going to skip it.


One of the nice things about future compared to some other parallel backends is that it does pass the global environment, so i don’t have to manage what it gets- it works as it does interactively. BUT, if data passing is what’s killing the speed, maybe I do need to manage what gets passed. In theory, the test above should get even faster if we don’t pass it the global environment, but only the arguments.

So, a new version of the above, explicitly limiting passing.


mult_foreach_internal_g <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  c_foreach <- foreach(i = 1:n_reps, 
                       .combine = cbind,
                       .export = NULL) %dorng% {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = i)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)


mult_furrr_internal_g <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
  fn_to_call <- function(rep, size) {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = rep)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)
  c_map <- future_map(1:n_reps, fn_to_call, size = size, 
                      .options = furrr_options(seed = TRUE, globals = NULL))
  matrix(unlist(c_map), ncol = n_reps)


mult_apply_internal_g <- function(n_reps = 100, size = 1000) {
    fn_to_call <- function(rep, size) {
    a <- rnorm(size, mean = rep)
    b <- matrix(rnorm(size * size), nrow = size)
    t(a %*% b)
  c_apply <- future_lapply(1:n_reps, FUN = fn_to_call, size, 
                           future.seed = TRUE, future.globals = FALSE)
    matrix(unlist(c_apply), ncol = n_reps)


  futurefurrr = mult_furrr_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureapply = mult_apply_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureforeach = mult_foreach_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futurefurrr_g = mult_furrr_internal_g(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureapply_g = mult_apply_internal_g(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  futureforeach_g = mult_foreach_internal_g(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  bare_for = mult_for_internal(n_reps = 100, size = 1000),
  times = 10
Unit: seconds
            expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
     futurefurrr 2.934941 2.991153 3.073430 3.036014 3.115680 3.383588    10
     futureapply 2.961602 2.986763 3.314419 3.268155 3.529925 3.972054    10
   futureforeach 2.981263 2.996048 3.114741 3.084971 3.208947 3.359805    10
   futurefurrr_g 2.852686 2.938126 3.049807 3.008130 3.150936 3.425673    10
   futureapply_g 2.933841 3.054000 3.218608 3.119524 3.173425 3.860498    10
 futureforeach_g 2.941432 3.039213 3.142060 3.138042 3.216203 3.484246    10
        bare_for 3.615668 3.733735 3.783454 3.758691 3.801958 4.025737    10

So, that’s not hauling around a ton of extra stuff. I think, based on the doFuture vignette, that future will send the globals, but only those that are needed. So it’s not that they’re in functions, it’s that future can tell it doesn’t need to pass extra variables. This means we don’t really get performance gains because future already had our back.


  • If we can just write good linear algebra, that’s best. No surprise there. But sometimes we can’t.

  • If we have large amounts of data, it’s likely fastest to use a preallocated for loop or apply or purrr::map other sequential operation.

    • Even if we have to parallelise and take a performance hit (why? who knows? maybe because it’s buried in a function that needs the ability to be parallel if it’s the outer function?), passing in existing data is still faster than generating the data inside (over what range of data sizes?). But sometimes we need to generate the data inside anyway. In which case-
  • If we have a bunch of work to do, based on small amounts of data (e.g. parameters, iterators), then the parallel futures are best, without much difference between the flavours.