R-py type passing


Galen Holt

Note- quarto renders fail

This runs fine interactively, but when I render, everything fails. The python chunks lose what was in the previous ones, and the references to py$ in R chunks all fail. For now I’m going to just skip errors and have this not render correctly, which is unsatisfying. Not much more I can do though until I sort out the NameError issue, which is tricky because it doesn’t replicate consistently.

Passing types

I have a python function that takes dicts and lists as arguments. How do I pass those from R? We can’t just assign them to a variable in R, because those formats don’t work- e.g. we cannot create the lists and dicts in R to pass.

#| eval: false
outputType = ['summary', 'all']

allowance ={'minThreshold': MINT, 'maxThreshold': MAXT, 'duration': DUR, 'drawdown': DRAW}

So, let’s write a function to tell me the type of what I’m passing and try a few things.

def test_type(testarg):

Is a named list a dict or a list? what about just a c()? Is that a list?

rlist <- list(dict1 = 100, dict2 = 'testing')
rc <- c(100, 50)

The named list is a dict. Look at it in python and R.

<class 'dict'>
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found

The c() is a list- but see below- this fails if it’s length-one

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found

An unnamed list is a list

rlistu = list(100, 'testunname')
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found

That is useful, since creating a length-one list doesn’t work with single values or c() wrapping single values

rone = 100
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found
ronec = c('testingc')
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found

We do get a length-one list with an unnamed list of length 1.

ronel = list(100)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'py' not found