# library(httr2)
Atlas of living australia
I need to pull some records from the Atlas of living australia. There’s an API. Can I use it so I don’t have to do this manually (and can re-do it easily?).
Was going to set up to hit the API directly, but they have an R package (that hits a LOT of these sorts of atlases, which is nice).
Have to register at their website first- if you’re at an Australian university, it’s likely you can login with those credentials- click the AAF button.
galah_config(email = "g.holt@deakin.edu.au", atlas = "Australia")
Try it
I’m just following the vignette, but not filtering or selecting
<- galah_call() |>
lippia galah_identify("lippia") |>
# galah_select(institutionID, group = "basic") |>
Request for 111 occurrences placed in queue
Current queue length: 1
# A tibble: 111 × 8
recordID scientificName taxonConceptID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 009f0e72-30db… Lippia https://id.bi… NA NA
2 00a48aef-c1f7… Lippia https://id.bi… NA NA
3 00a7d2db-634f… Lippia alba v… https://id.bi… -23.4 150.
4 03feac6c-4e8c… Lippia https://id.bi… -20.3 -50.5
5 04992d8b-d1d1… Lippia https://id.bi… NA NA
6 04e286bb-efd0… Lippia https://id.bi… -22.2 -47.1
7 04f27e61-cfa5… Lippia alba https://id.bi… NA NA
8 0f687a47-e2f8… Lippia alba v… https://id.bi… -23.6 149.
9 101fb056-4704… Lippia alba v… https://id.bi… -23.6 149.
10 10a0dc77-4c4d… Lippia alba v… https://id.bi… -15.4 132.
# ℹ 101 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: eventDate <dttm>, occurrenceStatus <chr>,
# dataResourceName <chr>
From the website though, I know that Phyla nodiflora comes up as a synonym with way more records. Can I get that sort of info from the API before pulling?
<- search_taxa('lippia')
all_lippia all_lippia
# A tibble: 1 × 13
search_term scientific_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_concept_id rank
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 lippia Lippia L. https://id.biodi… genus
# ℹ 8 more variables: match_type <chr>, kingdom <chr>, phylum <chr>,
# class <chr>, order <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>, issues <chr>
Looks like no- these come up in the search bar on the website, but not in the above. Oh well, I guess be aware of that.
<- search_taxa('phyla nodiflora') pnode
Can I ask for both in one call?
<- galah_call() |>
lippia_phyla galah_identify(c("lippia", 'phyla nodiflora')) |>
# galah_select(institutionID, group = "basic") |>
Request for 1824 occurrences placed in queue
Current queue length: 1
# A tibble: 1,824 × 8
recordID scientificName taxonConceptID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 00268357-9fec… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -12.6 133.
2 0031342a-24c0… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -11.9 131.
3 00792596-1929… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -12.9 130.
4 009f0e72-30db… Lippia https://id.bi… NA NA
5 00a48aef-c1f7… Lippia https://id.bi… NA NA
6 00a7d2db-634f… Lippia alba v… https://id.bi… -23.4 150.
7 00b4c6fe-2c52… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -12.8 130.
8 00bd4543-36ab… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -33.2 145.
9 00ce5430-d3da… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -24.4 151.
10 00d35f73-85c4… Phyla nodiflo… https://id.bi… -34.2 140.
# ℹ 1,814 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: eventDate <dttm>, occurrenceStatus <chr>,
# dataResourceName <chr>
And it returns the names, so I can filter.