Change git remote and edit emails
I’ve recently had a bunch of git repos lose their remotes. It’s unclear why, but rather than look the solution up every time on stackexchange, do this to see what the remote is
git remote -v
git remote set-url origin path/to/remote.git
git remote -v
to check it worked.
I’ve also moved some repos from other remotes to github lately, and keep getting errors about publishing private emails. One option would be to make emails public, but the better option is to make sure the user email is the github one, e.g.
git config --global
There was a way I did this before that was simpler, but what seemed to work (thanks stackoverflow) was to install git-filter-repo
pip3 install git-filter-repo
I had to use the one-line option in the comments (likely because of windows)
--force --email-callback " return email if email != b'wrong@email' else b'correct@email'" git filter-repo
It said it hung, but ended up working. And retained dates, which lots of other options didn’t.
Presumably this would work on unix
git filter-repo --email-callback '
return email if email != b"incorrect@email" else b"correct@email"