Github notes
Private repos and access
Authorisation can happen a couple ways- ssh and https with a github PAT.
HTTPS with a PAT
Go to and create a PAT with at least repo scope and copy it. SAVE IT SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN PLAINTEXT. Then, to authorise, the simplest but most dangerous is to use auth_token = 'YOUR GITHUB PAT'
The better option is to use credentials::set_github_pat()
to set your PAT using the github signin, which doesn’t require you to have it in plaintext. That sets the GITHUB_PAT
environment variable, which is the default for auth_token
So, assuming you’ve created a PAT in github,
# install.packages("devtools")
credentials::install_github("USER/repo") devtools
See the github documents for creating ssh keys. Note that R and helpers want them to be the default names (and often the RSA version). So don’t do anything different with names, and if get some errors about not finding them, check if you made ed25519 and not rsa keys.
Then, to install,
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_git("", ref = 'master', force = TRUE, upgrade = 'ask') devtools
But, if using R 4.3, the {git2r} package does not support ssh, and so you have to clone the directory, and use
`devtools::install_local('path/to/repo', force = TRUE, upgrade = 'ask')`
Hopefully that’s fixed soon (or install_git
moves away from {git2r}- {gert} works with ssh, but install_git can’t use it)