Does it work to set multiple csl files? and multiple reference sections? Why would I want to do that? Because the ecology.csl isn’t producing what I’d expect (or what Zotero produces with it). Instead of DOIs printing, it turns the titles into links. So I want to make a huge doc that shows how the different CSLs actually export from Quarto.
Try to cite (Holt & Chesson, 2018) here with the default csl
We know it works to set csl in the quarto header, but can we set it later and swap? Insert a yaml block
Try that again. Do we get the earlier cite too, cite a different paper to check Holt et al. (2021).
That overrode the default even above. What happens if we add yet another explicit CSL?
And cite yet another Holt et al. (2024).
And now everything is in Ecology format. So whatever’s last overrides earlier, and it doesn’t seem possible. Unless perhaps we actually make new docs and glue them together.
I doubt it; the includes webpage says
It also means that if the included file has a metadata block, that block will take effect in all included files. In most cases, having metadata blocks in an included file will cause unexpected behavior.
This probably isn’t worth much more effort. I’ll just look individually at the most likely csls to work.