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Takes a list of sites and variables and fetches the timeseries. Variables may include derived and base. This is very similar to the underlying API call, and does not do very much automation of finding variables, checking times, etc. If variables are not available for a site or for given times it just silently does not return them. For a more automated (but currently slower) approach, see fetch_hydstra_timeseries(), which also allows a .errorhandling argument.


  datasource = "A",
  var_list = c("100", "141"),
  interval = "day",
  data_type = "mean",
  multiplier = 1,
  return_timezone = "UTC",
  returnformat = "df",
  .errorhandling = "stop"



character for the data portal (case insensitive). Default 'victoria'


character site code, either a single site code "sitenumber", comma-separated codes in a single string "sitenumber1, sitenumber2, or a vector of site codes c("sitenumber1", "sitenumber2")


character for datasource code. To my knowledge, options are "A", "TELEM", "TELEMCOPY". Passing multiple not currently supported.


character vector of variable codes. Needs to be either single code or vector (c("code1", "code2")), not a comma-separated string


character, numeric, or date giving the start time. API expects a 14-digit character "YYYYMMDDHHIIEE", but this will turn numeric or dates into that, and pad zeros if given less than 14 digits, e.g. 20200101 would be padded to give midnight on 1 Jan 2020.


character, numeric, or date giving the end time. API expects a 14-digit character "YYYYMMDDHHIIEE", but this will turn numeric or dates into that, and pad zeros if given less than 14 digits, e.g. 20200101 would be padded to give midnight on 1 Jan 2020.


character, period to report. I don't think capitalisation matters.

  • Options: "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second".


character, the statistic to apply. Warning: only takes one value, which is applied to all variables. This may not be appropriate. If variables should have different statistics, run get_ts_traces multiple times.

  • Options: "mean", "max", "min", "start", "end", "first", "last", "tot", "maxmin", "point", "cum". Not all are currently tested.


character, interval multiplier. I think this allows intervals like 5 days, by passing interval = 'day' and multiplier = 5. Not tested other than 1 at present.


character in OlsonNames() or one of three special cases: 'db_default', 'char' or 'raw'. Default 'UTC'. If 'db_default', uses the API default. If 'char', returns a string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+TZ', having all needed info (and matching Kiwis returns). If 'raw', returns the time column as-is from the API (a 14-digit string of numbers 'YYYMMDDHHMMSS')

  • "sxvlist" returns a list with an separate tibble for each site x variable combination


character, one of

  • "df" returns a tibble

  • "varlist" returns a list with an separate tibble for each variable (may have multiple sites per tibble)

  • "sitelist" returns a list with an separate tibble for each site (may have multiple variables per tibble)


as in foreach::foreach() (but handled in api_error_catch()) Default 'stop'. Made available here primarily to use 'pass' so big requests don't die due to API errors. Be careful- those errors then just get passed and so the data will be missing.


tibble(s) with requested variables at requested sites (where they exist). See returnformat, either a tibble or list of tibbles


Timezone note: Data is returned from the API in local time, but the default here is to output UTC for consistency. Note, however that the start_time and end_time must be in database-local time. Thus, when using programatically, it can be easiest to use 'raw' or 'db_default'. Further, the API returns 0 for data outside the range if a request spans across the boundary. Check your data with get_variable_list() or use fetch_hydstra_timeseries(), which does the check automatically.


simpletrace <- get_ts_traces(
  portal = 'vic',
  site_list = "233217",
  datasource = "A",
  var_list = c("100", "141"),
  start_time = "20200101", end_time = "20200105",
  interval = "day", data_type = "mean",
  multiplier = 1, returnformat = "df"