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Helper to extract ts_id for desired variables from getTimeseriesList()


  variable = "discharge",
  units = "ML/d",
  timeunit = "Daily",
  statistic = "Mean",
  datatype = "QaQc",
  namefilters = NULL,
  extra_list = list(NULL),
  return_timezone = "char"



URL to Kisters KiWIS database.


character vector of gauge numbers, as station_no for Kiwis functions (site_list for Hydstra)


character vector of variables we want to extract. Matches on parametertype_name


units of the variable, used when there may be > 1 e.g. cumecs, ML/d for discharge. If NULL, gets all available. Matches to ts_unitsymbol


The time interval to request, e.g. "Daily", the default. Main values seem to be 'Daily', 'Monthly', 'Yearly', and 'AsStored' (the raw data). Matches to part of ts_name


The aggregation statistic, e.g. "Mean", the default. Main values seem to be 'Mean', 'Max', 'Min', 'Total', though not all are available for each variable- rainfall tends to use Total, while discharge tends to use mean, max, min. Matches to part of ts_name


The type of data to return, default 'QaQc'. Some other options seem to be 'Recieved', 'Harmonised', and 'Obs'. Note- 'QaQc' matches to both 'DMQaQc' and 'PR01QaQc'. In many cases only one is available, but if you get 2x too much data, check and specify which you want. Matches to part of ts_name


character vector giving the ability to match to other parts of ts_name in case those specified in timeunit, statistic, and datatype aren't sufficient to find the desired ts_id. One frequent occurrence is two Daily datasets that differ in whether they split at 9am or midnight, in which case you should use either namefilters = '09HR or namefilters = '24HR. In some situations, this can be easier than using regex, e.g. datatype = 'QaQc.*09'


a named list, see getStationList(), with a special note that here we can include a 'timezone' argument that determines the timezone the API returns in. This is dangerous, since the API ingests dates in its own default timezone and that is inferred from the return in the absence of the ability to extract it. Thus, including a timezone in extra_list may yield unexpected outcomes when requesting dates. A better option is to use return_timezone to adjust the return values. That said, it may be that some databases return gauge-local tzs, which won't be allowed to be concatenated. A solution would be to just work in UTC with timezone = 'UTC' in extralist to make all outputs on the same tz.


character in OlsonNames() or one of three special cases: 'db_default', 'char' or 'raw'. Default 'UTC'. If 'db_default', uses the API default. BOM defaults to +10. If 'char' or 'raw', returns the time column as-is from the API (A string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+TZ')


a tibble of the matching ts_ids, along with other columns